Monday, February 16, 2009

Opening address from Victoria Joukovskaia (European Parliament) to the participants of the II Art Forum

The II ART Forum

2009 European Year of Creativity and Innovation: Implication of the European Parliament

Dear participants,

Each year the European Union chooses a theme for a campaign aimed at drawing public and governmental attention to a specific issue. Today Europe needs to boost its capacity for creativity and innovation for both social and economic reasons that is why the 2009 was proposed as the European Year of Creativity and Innovation.

The European Parliament strongly supports this cross-cutting initiative covering not only education and culture but also other policy domains such as enterprise, media and research. The House shares the Commission's view regarding the need for Europe to heighten its creative and innovative capacities and to step up Europe's potential to rise to the challenges and opportunities of globalisation.

In its resolution of 23rd September 2008, the European Parliament recalled the main objectives of the Year of Creativity and Innovation and emphasised the importance of all EU programmes that promote creativity and innovation.

Among specific objectives, the House pointed out the openness to cultural diversity as a means to fostering intercultural communication and the promotion of closer links between the arts, as well as with schools and universities. The Members of the European Parliament have also stressed the significance of creativity innovation and entrepreneurship for personal development, economic growth and employment, fostering entrepreneurial mindsets particularly among young people, through cooperation with the business world.

The Year to come will be very rich in events at different levels (European, national regional and local) and will stimulate in-depth reflexion on means Europe can implement to achieve better results in the field of innovation and creativity.

In this sense the II ART Forum bringing together representatives of the innovative and creative sectors from various countries surely contributes to reach the defined goals creating a platform for sustainable partnerships and enhanced transeuropean and international cooperation.

We wish all participants successful and fruitful work!

With warmest regards,

Victoria Joukovskaia
Policy Department B - CULT
Directorate-General for Internal Policies

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Programme of the II Art Forum

On 5th of February2009, the Art Forum on ”'Creativity and Innovations in Europe” focused on showcasing innovative or creative practices via our face-to-face interactive gathering. Our speakers as well as our participants were invited to contribute to the Art Forum by presenting experiences, policies, ideas, programmes and projects stimulating creativity and innovation with the objective to offer a platform for exchange and networking.

10:30 Registration at Business Center Quartier Latin, 100-102 Avenue des Saisons, 1050-Brussels

11:00 Welcome Addresses. Welcome word from a host organization and one of the organizers of the Art Forum, Petra Ringrose-Erabkova, Founder of SN Consultancies, Brussels, Belgium

11:10 Welcome word and greetings on the “Year of Creativity and Innovation”, the European Commission, DG Culture and Education, Brussels, Belgium

11:15 Welcome letter, Victoria Joukovskaia, European Parliament, Department of Culture, Brussels

11:20 Creative way of life, creativity as a lifestyle, creativity in urban life, Giovanni Padula, Director of CityO, Milan, Italy (colleague of Richard Florida)

11:40 Cultivating creativity and innovations, Cees Donkers, Coordinator and Urban Designer, Department of Urban Planning and Design, Eindhoven, The Netherlands

12:00 Create your own City! Vladimir Bobkov, Chief Editor of Art Manager magazine, Moscow, Russia

12:20 The era of innovators. The 130 years old dream of Kazemir Malevich, Valentina Kirillova, Director of the Centre of Modern Art, Vitebsk, Belarus

12.30-13.00 Lunch buffet

Round tables: 1. Round Table on Social Creativity and Innovations, Media, Policy Development, Education & Research
  • Creative solutions in PR as a way of improving companies profits, Margarita Sandler, IMA Media PR Agency, Brussels (Moscow)
  • How creative ideas compensate the absence of budget, N. Yavdolyuk, RACO, Moscow, Russia
  • Policy of Creativity and Innovations on a level of Province. Case of Vojvodina, Noviy Sad, Biljana Mickov, Cultural Manager, Advisor for the Minister of Culture of the Parliament of Vojvodina; Serbia
  • Creativity in the implementation of the foreign cultural policy-the case of the Cervantes Institute, Ivana Jovanović Arsić, Servantes Institute, Belgrade, Serbia
  • Hosting strategy and development, Patrick Maison, Brussels Convention Bureau, Brussels
  • Creativity and Intercultural Diversity, Irina Troitskaia, Consultant, Intercultural Communication Consultancy and Staff member a Center of Integration, Foyer, Government of Flanders, Brussels
  • Creativity and Cultural Diversity in Education, M. Wolny-Piers, Post-Viadrina, Gent, Belgium
  • Creativity and Innovations in Education, Tom Verbeke, the vice-dean Education at the Hogeschool-Universiteit Brussels
  • Creativity and Lifelong Learning, Larissa Katayeva, Director of Career Services , Nijenrode University, the Netherlands
  • Creativity and Feminism, Carolina Fonseca Hermes, University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
  • Infrastructure of innovations, B. Bankowski, PROGNOZ, Brussels-Perm
  • Innovations in European Projects, Nailija Dindarova, Consultant, The Centre, Brussels, Belgium

    2. Round table on Arts, Crafts, Design, Creative projects and culture
  • Creativity in Projects. Prague International Marathon, Petra Ringrose-Erabkova, SN Consultancies, Brussels-Prague
  • Creative & Magazine business; time to change, Elena Bucciero, Founder of Away Magazine, Brussels, Belgium
  • Creativity in a Cultural Foundation, D. Shabdukaromov & M. Amvrosova, AlemArt, Kazakhstan
  • Innovative way of having an Art Gallery, Elena Sidorenko, Kartina Art Gallery, Gorinchem, the Netherlands
  • Creativity and Choreography, Olimjon Beknazarov, World Dance Group, Voyage, Rotterdam
  • Innovations, creativity and business, A.Bat-Ulzii, Spirit of Mongolia, Brussels
  • Creativity and Intuition, Marianne Tuerlings, Director, SHIRDAK, Amsterdam-Maastricht
  • Creativity and Chocolate business, Representative of Pierre Marcollini, Brussels, Belgium
  • Creative and Innovative ways in Interior Design, Alain Gilles, the Studio, Brussels, Belgium
  • Creativity and Magic Reality, Luba Sokolovsky, Artist, Brussels, Belgium
  • Creativity and Smell of Success, Jean-Paul Marsman, Artist, Eindhoven, the Netherlands

    17:00-17:30 Q & A, Conclusions and Recommendations, Comments of the Art Forum, Networking

    18:00-20:00 Art Forum’s Reception

    Reception will be held at the premises of the Representation of Central Bohemia Region in Brussels

    Representation of Central Bohemia Region Avenue d´Auderghem 84 1040-Brussels, Etterbeek
    tel: +32 2 734 96 86

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Art Forum II

The II ART Forum


5th February 2009, Brussels, Belgium

Sous le patronage de Mme. la Commissaire Benita Ferrero-Waldner (Membre de la Commission européene chargée des relations extérieures et de la politice européenne de voisinage.

With participation of the European Commission, DG Culture and Education

Creativity in today’s post-industrial world has been dictated by the changes in global culture, in which top positions are increasingly being given to innovators and representatives of creative industries. These are the people who envision the future, aspire to make our life more comfortable and strive to make businesses more profitable.

The II annual ART Forum shall be held in Brussels on the 5th February 2009. The event is being organised on the initiative of the Caravan Cultura Art Agency and the Young EU-Russia Association. The official part of the ART Forum and the reception afterwards has been supported and by SN Consultancies. The European representatives (Brussels, Belgium) of IМА-Media, a Moscow Agency for Business Communication, are the co-partners for the II ART Forum.

Senior representatives from the DG of External Relations, Culture and Education of the European Commission shall be present at the opening of the ART forum.

The Second ART Forum, Creativity and Innovation in Europe, aims to present the developments and trends of the creative sector with regard to business, culture and the day-to-day life of Europeans. The forum shall gather together representatives of the creative and innovative industries from various European countries, including Russia, and also from Eurasia. This forum is a place for PR & marketing managers, inventors, leaders of innovative projects and founders of unique companies and projects to meet and share their achievements. The ART forum is a platform for creating continuous international dialogue and developing partnerships within the creative sector.

The following issues will be addressed in the interactive discussions: Who should provide the stimulus for developing and promoting creativity and innovation? How do we raise the status of innovators in different countries? Is creativity important for personal and societal success? What approaches are prioritised today with regard to innovation in different countries, and where did they originate? Would the creation of international communities for innovators increase the intellectual property risk or, rather, the opportunity for successful development on the global market?